Earn your graduate degree sooner with Accelerated Master’s programs

October 03, 2023 · 3 min read · By ASU Online
ASU Online's Accelerated Master's programs allow you to earn your graduate degree in as little as one year after completing your undergraduate degree.

Our students are our top priority at Arizona State University. To support them, we provide innovative resources and unique pathway opportunities, including our Accelerated Master’s programs (formerly known as 4+1 programs). This opportunity accelerates your path, saving you both time and money, by earning your graduate degree in as little as one year after completing your undergraduate degree.


What is an Accelerated Master's program?

ASU Online’s Accelerated Master’s programs allow you to earn your bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in less time, advancing your education quicker. By completing graduate coursework in your senior year for dual credit, you’ll streamline your educational journey and easily transition from an undergraduate degree to a graduate degree.

“The Accelerated Master’s pathway is a very cost effective option for ASU students," noted ASU Online professor Mary Jane Parmentier. "It also offers an excellent intellectual opportunity for qualified students to move into graduate-level work during their senior year.”


What are the benefits of enrolling in an Accelerated Master’s program?

By enrolling in one of these programs, you shorten the combined time it takes to complete your undergraduate and graduate degrees. In addition to saving time, you’ll also save money, resulting in less student debt. Enrolling in an Accelerated Master’s program is a great way to receive a quality education, earn a master’s degree and advance to your career earlier than you’d be able to otherwise.

ASU Online professor Robert Kirsch said, “The benefits to them are substantial. Students may be able to leverage scholarship money more effectively, find an efficient use of their undergraduate credits or just get started early enough to complete a two-year master’s program in one year.”


How do I enroll in an Accelerated Master’s program?

To take advantage of this opportunity, you must apply during your junior year. Please keep in mind that each program has unique requirements to be eligible. For additional information, please speak with your advisor.


What degrees are part of this program?

More than 40 ASU Online undergraduate degrees are part of the program. Below is a list of those undergraduate degrees and the graduate degrees they can lead to as part of the Accelerated Master’s program.



Business (Communication), BA can lead to…
- Communication, MA

Business Data Analytics, BS can lead to...
- Business Analytics, MS

Communication, BA can lead to...
- Communication, MA

Communication, BS can lead to...
Communication, MA

Global Management, BGM can lead to...
- Leadership and Management, MLM

International Trade, BS can lead to...
- Leadership and Management, MLM

Supply Chain Management, BS can lead to...
- Business Analytics, MS
- Supply Chain Management, MS



Electrical Engineering, BSE can lead to...
- Electrical Engineering, MSE

Electrical Engineering (Electric Power and Energy Systems), BSE can lead to...
- Electrical Engineering, MSE

Engineering Management, BSE can lead to...
- Industrial Engineering, MS

Mechanical Engineering, BSE can lead to...
- Materials Science and Engineering, MS


Health & Nursing

Community Health, BS can lead to...
- Aging, MS
- Healthcare Innovation, MHI

Health Care Coordination, BS can lead to...
- Aging, MS
- Healthcare Innovation, MHI

Health Entrepreneurship and Innovation, BAS can lead to...
- Aging, MS
- Healthcare Innovation, MHI

Health Entrepreneurship and Innovation, BS can lead to...
- Aging, MS
- Healthcare Innovation, MHI

Integrative Health, BS can lead to...
- Aging, MS
- Healthcare Innovation, MHI


Humanities and Arts

History, BA can lead to...
- History, MA

Interdisciplinary Studies, BA can lead to...
- Liberal Studies, MLSt
- Organizational Leadership, MS

Interdisciplinary Studies (Organizational Studies), BA can lead to...
- Liberal Studies, MLSt
- Organizational Leadership, MS

Liberal Studies, BA can lead to...
- Liberal Studies, MLSt
- Organizational Leadership, MS

Organizational Leadership, BA can lead to...
- Liberal Studies, MLSt
- Organizational Leadership, MS

Organizational Leadership (Project Management), BA can lead to...
- Liberal Studies, MLSt
- Organizational Leadership, MS


Law and Public Service

Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS can lead to...
- Criminal Justice, MA

Political Science, BA can lead to...
- Global Security, MA
- Global Security (Cybersecurity), MA
- Political Psychology, MA

Political Science, BS can lead to...
- Global Security, MA
- Global Security (Cybersecurity), MA
- Political Psychology, MA

Public Service and Public Policy (Emergency Management and Homeland Security), BS can lead to...
- Emergency Management and Homeland Security, MA


Social and Behavioral Sciences

Global Studies, BA can lead to...
- Global Security, MA
- Global Security (Cybersecurity), MA
- Political Psychology, MA

Psychology, BA can lead to…
- Psychology, MS

Psychology, BS can lead to…
- Psychology, MS



Biological Sciences, BS (and each of its five concentrations) can lead to….
- Biology, MS
- Computational life sciences, MS

Geography, BA can lead to…
- Geography, MA

Geography, BS can lead to…
- Geography, MA

Sustainable Food Systems, BS can lead to…
- Sustainable Food Systems, MS



Computer Science, BS can lead to...
- Master of Computer Science

Graphic Information Technology, BS can lead to...
- Graphic Information Technology, MS 

Graphic Information Technology, BAS can lead to...
- Graphic Information Technology, MS

Graphic Information Technology (Full-Stack Web Development), BS can lead to...
- Graphic Information Technology, MS  

Graphic Information Technology (User Experience), BS can lead to...
- Graphic Information Technology, MS
- User Experience, MS

Human Systems Engineering (User Experience), BS can lead to...
- User Experience, MS

Information Technology, BS can lead to...
- Information Technology, MS

Innovation in Society, BA can lead to...
- Global Technology and Development, MS
- Public Interest Technology, MS

Innovation in Society, BS can lead to...
- Global Technology and Development, MS 
- Public Interest Technology, MS

Internet and Web Development, BAS can lead to...
- Graphic Information Technology, MS

Software Engineering, BS can lead to...
- Master of Computer Science

Technical Communication (User Experience), BS can lead to...
- User Experience, MS

Technological Entrepreneurship and Management, BS can lead to...
- Global Technology and Development, MS
- Leadership and Management, MLM

What master's degree should I get?

Learn how to choose the right master's degree for you and what makes ASU Online so popular for graduate students.


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