This fall, ASU Online welcomed 42,743 students from across the country, spanning 200+ degree programs. Students are now back to the virtual classroom, some just embarking on their educational journey, and others preparing to complete their final semester of classes. Senior Alexis is wrapping up her ASU Online experience and like many of her peers, is balancing an education, a business, and mom duties in pursuit of her goals.
Some of our other online students like Ariel are capturing this special milestone with their children – while Ariel tackles 16th grade, her daughter celebrates moving into 4th grade!
ASU Online student, Sarah marked the start of her sophomore year by sharing how she is “one more semester closer to her degree” and has already “learned art, math, how to code, make a Star Wars game app, geology and dance” since her first day at ASU Online. As an organizational leadership and project management major, Sarah also notes some skills she can apply to her life and career: “how to be a better leader, how to be a better follower, so that I may learn new ways.”
We wish you all an incredible semester!