According to the Department of Education, 62% of online students work full or part time, while 28% have at least one dependent. For prospective students who are considering an online program, it is important to understand if an online program is the best option for them to attain their degree. For anyone who would like to complete a degree online while remaining at work, here are three things to consider.
Many online programs provide a high quality and flexible education.
Students who are interested in pursuing an online program can choose from a wide range of high quality degrees that suit their interests. Many reputable institutions offer programs online that include the same quality of teaching as their on-campus programs. Additionally, an online program provides the flexibility for students to take courses that tailors to their work schedule.
For prospective students who are thinking about earning an online degree while remaining at work, it is important to remember that time management can be a challenge.
Because students do not attend classes on campus, having strong, developed time management skills are necessary to be successful when balancing between work and school obligations. Students who are concerned of becoming overwhelmed should remember that maintaining a focused, determined attitude can help them complete the program.
Lastly, students have found that the skills they learn during their program can be applied to their respective jobs. Many students have discovered that their program helped them acquire skills that they would not have learned otherwise. Attaining the skills through their online program can provide additional opportunities to be successful in their careers.
Attaining an online degree is more important than ever, and will provide prospective students with the skills they need for the future. A study from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce found that bachelor’s degree holders earn 31% more than those with an associate degree, and 74% more than those with a high school diploma.
While balancing work and school can be an intimidating process, having strong, developed time management skills and a focused attitude can help any student attain their online degree.