Via Sacramento Parent Magazine
The decision to return to college is never an easy one to make, especially if you’ve had an extended break from college life. Add parenting into the mix, and returning to school becomes even more difficult.
Despite the challenges that come with balancing work, study, and family life, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research suggests that upwards of 1.5 million fathers and 3.5 million mothers are attending college while raising children--and many of them have chosen to pursue their continued education through ASU Online.
Although balancing these obligations is no easy task, many students find that ASU’s online courses teach skillsets that are applicable in their current positions, and will only further benefit them should they pursue a different career further down the line. While online classes require dedicated amounts of study time, ASU Online’s flexible course format allows students ample time to balance family, career, and coursework.
The decision to return to school as a non-traditional student should not be made lightly. Balancing career, family, and college life is no easy task, but the decision to return to school can be rewarding, and lead to promising advancements in your career and personal growth.
For more information on how one student balanced his career, family, and education, read more here.