First-time freshman registration
Credit limits for first-time freshmen at ASU Online
Arizona State University wants to ensure that first-time freshmen are successful during their critical first two sessions acclimating to the online learning environment. Therefore, first-time freshmen may initially enroll for up to 7 credits during their first session and up to 4 credits in the second session. After the third week of classes, students can enroll for additional classes (up to 9 credits total) for the second session if they are performing at a satisfactory academic level.
Questions about your schedule?
Students with questions about their schedule should make an appointment with their academic advisor. Academic advisor contact information is available on the My ASU homepage under the My Programs and eAdvisor section by clicking on the Advising link.
Questions about your schedule?
Students with questions about their schedule should make an appointment with their academic advisor. Academic advisor contact information is available on the My ASU homepage under the My Programs and eAdvisor section by clicking on the Advising link.
Financial aid adjustments for additional coursework
If students utilizing financial aid decide to enroll for additional credits after the third week of classes, an adjustment will need to be made to their account with additional charges posted. Thus, it's imperative to speak with a financial aid representative to fully understand your financial situation and to ensure there's a plan to cover the additional charges.
Students can receive assistance from our financial aid team by utilizing one of the following options:
ASU 24/7 Financial Aid Help Desk: